Voices in My Head

Jun 18, 2024


Image from Pinterest

What has not reached you has not left me.

As waves, I hold them within me, a sea of words.

A sea that is wide enough to contain

a galaxy of oceans,

the million unspoken things

I’d rather bite my tongue than let them out.

My repressed emotions are the unruly children.

They come to me during odd hours,

when I am stuck in traffic, sometimes at work,

“Later!” I tell them.

Every time I ignore their call,

I feed them a sleeping pill.

So, they come back to me later,

in the middle of the night,

angry and roaring.

Sitting in complete silence,

away from the prying ears,

I listen to them one by one.

Singing them a lullaby,

I cradle them as babies.

I am the mother of words,

Words I could not speak.


